急促: hurried; rapid流动: ent] population; floating pe ...或: nǎi-.进行: be in progress; be underway; ...急促的进行曲: marche et strette使继续有效, 存在或进行: be kept alive急促: 1.(快而短促) hurried; rapid 脉搏急促 have a short, quick pulse; 急促的脚步声 hurried footsteps; 急促的枪声 rapid gunfire2.(时间短促) (of time) short; pressing 时间很急促, 不要再犹豫了。 time is running short. stop hesitating进行初步的行动或活动: e:he kicked his slippers off and dropped on to the bed缓慢前进,缓慢、单调或费力地渡过或进行: drag:. to pass or proceed slowly, tediously, or laboriously为维护理想,原则而进行的运动或斗争: crusade急促的: rapid急促地: calcando急促射: running fire急促声: patter气急促: short breath接近(或进入)的方法: have access to进行: 1.(开展) be in progress; be underway; go on 进行调查 make an investigation; 进行辩论 enter into a debate; 进行表决 put a question to the vote; 进行投机倒把 engage in speculation and profiteering; 进行报复 make reprisals; 进行正面教育 educate by using positive examples; 会议的准备工作正在进行。 preparations for the meeting are in progress.2.(从事) carry on; carry out; conduct; make 进行核试验 conduct a nuclear test; 进行坚决斗争 wage a resolute struggle; 进行攻讦 rack up sb.'s past and attack him; expose sb.'s past misdeeds3.(前进) be on the march; march; advance; proceed呼吸急促: blow; breathe quick; breathequick; breathlessness; broken winded; ecphysesis; hyperpnea; out of; polypnea; polypnoea; shortness of breath; sob; tachy ea; tachypnea呼吸急促,气促: tachypnea呼吸急促的: tachypneic急促背诵地: rattle off急促不清的: slurred急促抽回: raccourci急促胆脂: citochol急促的枪声: rapid gunfire short